What is Trussville To Go’s delivery area, and am I in it?

Type in your address and zip code to see which restaurants are available for delivery to your location. As it currently stands Trussville To Go delivers to Trussville, Grayson Valley, St. Vincent's East, and parts of Clay, Birmingham, Pinson, Argo, and Odenville.

I placed an advance order, will it arrive exactly at that time?

We will get it to you before or at that time. Our goal is to get it to you as close to that time as possible, but we cannot always account for backed up restaurants or traffic.

What is the delivery fee for Trussville To Go?

It varies by delivery address, but most range from $3.99 - $7.99. If you use a FREE delivery coupon, the max value of a T2GO coupon is $7.99 (additional charges may apply based on distance).

Why is there "taxes & fees" as well as a delivery fee?

Because we pay the majority of the delivery fee to our drivers, the service fee is for our company and essential for us to operate.

Am I able to tip my driver?

Our drivers appreciate your gratitude as they work for tips. We recommend tipping at checkout, but you also have an opportunity to tip upon delivery.

Why do I see an extra charge in my bank account for one order?

Your credit card is charged 10% more than your order as a "pending" transaction. This allows us to add any customer requested items or tip to the original transaction/order. Once the order is finalized, they payment will be captured for the exact amount. 

Do you have an app I can use to order?

Yes, the Trussville To Go app is available in both the Google Play and Apple App stores.

What do I do if there is an issue with my order?

Call or text 205-661-8129 and one of our managers will assist you in correcting the issue. Be sure to have your order number ready as it's the fastest way for us to locate your order. 

How do I become a driver?

We would love to talk with you about becoming a driver with T2GO. Click here to get started.

How can my restaurant partner with Trussville To Go? How can Trussville To Go help me market my business?

We are always looking to add local restaurants to the site and would love to talk with you. Click here to learn more about how T2GO can help you grow your business.

Can I pay with cash?

Sorry, Trussville To Go only accepts credit/debit* cards at this time. You can also purchase electronic gift cards.
*A pre-authorization charge will appear as pending, but you will only be charged one time per order.

What are the hours of operation for Trussville To Go?

Varying by restaurant and by day, most restaurants are open for delivery beginning at 11:00am for lunch with dinner from 4pm-9pm. Though not all restaurants are available 7 days a week, T2GO delivers Monday-Sunday.

Help, I can't find my answer on here.

No worries, email info@trussvilletogo.com or call 205-661-8129 and we will answer any questions you may have.